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Our products

Exporting high quality fruits, vegetables and grains from Brazil to the world.

We are passionate about bringing the freshest, highest quality produce from Brazil to the world.

We partner with farmers in Brazil who are committed to sustainable and ethical practices, ensuring that our products are always healthy and environmentally friendly.

Through technology, we created a traceability process throughout the production and logistics chain.

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Our products



We produce high quality soybeans with a uniform appearance, without stains or dark spots that indicate deterioration or impurities.

With a smooth and pleasant aroma, its moisture content is controlled by high technology, ensuring the durability and quality of the product.

In addition, our soybeans are high in protein and low in acidity. Protein is one of the main sources used in human and animal food. The low acidity rate indicates that the soy has been properly processed and stored, without excess fermentation or oxidation.

Corn  â€‹         

       Through technology in production and processing, we produce quality corn with uniform grains, without deformation or damage.

       Our grains are bright yellow and uniform in color, without stains or discolorations, this is because our corn is harvested at the correct time of maturation, guaranteeing good quality and flavor.

       We work with adequate moisture content and controlled with high technology, ensuring its conservation, avoiding the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

The grains have a firm and uniform texture, which indicates that the corn is fresh and ripe.

       Corn is an important source of starch for human and animal food, our corn has a high starch content and a low rate of grains broken or damaged during processing or transportation.

       These are some of the main characteristics of the corn we produce, which guarantee its suitability for consumption and use in various industries, with quality and differentiated flavor.




      Beans are a very consumed grain in several regions of the world, mainly in Latin America and Africa. It is characterized by its rounded shape and its variable color, which can be black, brown, white, red and others.

   We produce and process several varieties of bean, with great quality and its richness in proteins, which makes it an excellent source of essential amino acids for the body. In addition, he is also rich in dietary fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc.

Beans are a healthy option for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet, as they are a source of vegetable protein that can help meet the body's nutritional needs.

Another quality of beans is their versatility in cooking, as they can be used in various dishes, such as soups, salads, feijoadas, among others. It can also be prepared in different ways, be it cooked, braised, in the form of a paste (like hummus), among others.




     Sugar is one of the most common sweeteners used in cooking around the world. It is produced from sugar cane or sugar beet and is widely used in the manufacture of food products such as cakes, cookies, soft drinks and many others.

     Sugar is mainly composed of sucrose, a carbohydrate that is quickly converted into energy by the human body. However, sugar is also a source of empty calories, meaning that it provides energy but does not provide many essential nutrients.      Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to a range of health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay.

     While refined white sugar is the most common type of sugar used in cooking, there are many other types of sugar available, including brown sugar, coconut sugar, palm sugar and maple syrup. Each type of sugar has its own unique flavor, texture and color and can be used in different types of recipes.



     Coffee is a hot and popular beverage around the world, made from the beans of the coffee plant. There are many varieties of coffee, including Arabica and Robusta, each with its own flavor and aroma characteristics.

     Coffee beans are roasted to create different levels of flavor and aroma intensity. Lighter roast coffee has a milder, more acidic taste, while dark roast coffee has a stronger, more bitter taste.

     Coffee contains caffeine, a stimulant that can increase alertness and improve cognitive performance. However, excessive coffee consumption can lead to unwanted side effects such as nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and increased blood pressure.

In addition to its distinct taste and aroma, coffee may also have health benefits. For example, studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.



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